Grapefruit 60, The Fat-Burner Diet Plan; Grapefruit Fat Burner Diet product with Niacin, both by Head Stairt
ACTION: Burns fat.
SOLD AS: Tablets.
INGREDIENTS: 100 percent pure grapefruit extract in a base of tri-calcium phosphate (230 mg); citrus bioflavonoids (10 mg); ‘and grapefruit pectin (10 mg). The Niacin formula also contains vitamin B3, which is used to control cholesterol. However, cholesterol lowering requires much higher doses of B3 than this product produces.
HOW TO TAKE IT: The plan booklet offered with Grapefruit 60 points out how to use the tablets along with a diet plan.
PRODUCT CLAIMS: The company focuses on the Fat Burner Diet Plan which has “some very sensible suggestions” about the kinds of foods users of Grapefruit 60 should try to eat if they desire to benefit from the “synergistic metabolism” that will quicken weight loss securely and holistically. The plan booklet instructs users to keep calorie intake between 800 and 1,200 calories per day for the most powerful results. Incorporating niacin to the second formulation is supposed to lower cholesterol. Even so, the manufacturer claims that each tablet contains only 7 mg of niacin, as opposed to the dose used to lower cholesterol is up to 3,000 mg. Evidence of the potency of this product is provided by the manufacturer, who notices that a University of Florida researcher, Dr. James Cerda, discovered that pectin based on grapefruit rinds has a dramatic cholesterol-lowering impact on the arteries of pigs fed a high-fat diet. This research is not done in humans, however.
COMMENTS: This strategy is an additional variation of the grapefruit diet which was circulating for many years. There are no solid medical grounds for this weight-loss plan.