metabolic stimulators

Ginseng for weight loss – Siberian and American ginseng benefits

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Herb. American ginseng is native to the United States and is now considered to be an endangered species because of overharvesting. Siberian ginseng is found in Russia and has similar but milder effects than American ginseng.

SOLD AS: Fresh and dried root, capsules, tablets, prepared tea, root powder.

BACKGROUND RESEARCH: There is evidence that ginseng assists with metabolism when the body is under a lot of stress. Ginseng also acts as a catalyst for energy production. Generally, this herb is not considered to be a weight-reducing supplement on its own, although it does have a minor effect on metabolism and also reduces blood pressure.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: Ginseng is found in many weight-loss combination products and enables the body to better cope with stress, which in turn allows the body. to function better. In American ginseng, the compounds believed to be responsible for these activities are panoxosides and saponins, which calm the brain and stomach and act as a mild stimulant to the vital organs. In Siberian ginseng, substances called eleutherosides stimulate the immune system. Generally, Siberian ginseng’ is less potent than American ginseng, but because American ginseng is considered an endangered species, Siberian ginseng is found more often in products.

HOW TO TAKE IT: To prepare an infusion, experts say to add 1 tablespoon fresh root to 8 ounces water, simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, and drink up to 2 cups daily. For extracts, they suggest adding 20 to 40 drops to water and drinking this mixture 3 times a day.

SIDE EFFECTS: Ginseng may cause insomnia and agitation, but these symptoms are more common if you take ginseng along with caffeine-containing foods or beverages. Other side effects include headache, breast soreness, rash, and loose stools.

PRECAUTIONS: If any of the following symptoms occur, stop taking ginseng and consult your doctor: elevated blood pressure; asthma attacks; heart palpitations; or postmenopausal uterine bleeding.

Weight Loss Products containing Ginseng

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Appetite suppressants popular

Phentermine diet pills – Phentermine hydrochloride review

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: An Appetite suppressant and central nervous system stimulant; formerly part of the combination product fen-phen, phentermine was approved for weight management by the FDA in 1973. It is a Schedule IV controlled substance, with low potential for abuse.

SOLD AS: phentermine is available in 15-mg and 30-mg capsules, and also as phentermine hydrochloride in 37.5-mg. capsules, comparable to 30 mg of phentermine base.

RESEARCH: The majority of the publicized reports on phentermine incorporate its use in in conjunction with fenfluramine. Among the several scientific studies in which its usefulness alone was examined, it was discovered that the drug resulted in an average weight loss of 14 pounds after 20 weeks of treatment.

The most significant concern about using the combination product fen-phen was the increased risk of heart-valve abnormalities. In the May 2000 issue of Circulation, scientists documented the outcomes of their substantial analysis into this issue, praoclaiming that findings suggest that valvular abnormalities in patients who took fenfluramine-phentermine mainly include those who had taken these medicines for more than 6 months and primarily results in mild aortic regurgitation. This research did not demonstrate the use of phentermine alone to be associated with cardiovascular disease.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: Phentermine stimulates the satiety (feeling of fullness) center in the hypothalamus and limbic parts of the brain, where appetite and hunger are managed. In order to work, phentermine should be used in addition to a sensible eating plan, behavior modification, and a physical fitness program. Nevertheless, weight loss may be short-term only, particularly after the drug is ended. To keep up weight loss or to continue to lose more weight after stopping phentermine, it is crucial to adhere to a sensible eating plan and an exercise program.

HOW TO TAKE IT: phentermine can be taken in a number of ways, according to your lifestyle. One 30-mg capsule decreases appetite for about 12 to 14 hours. (1) Take 1 capsule 30 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach. Do not take late in the day, as it can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. (2) Take 1 capsule about 2 hours after breakfast. phentermine is only approved for use for 12 weeks, after which some users reach drug tolerance and weight loss ceases.

SIDE EFFECTS: The most typical side effects include dry mouth; nausea; sleeplessness; headache; stomach upset; constipation; and irritability.

PRECAUTIONS: If you have any of the following medical conditions, tell your doctor before starting phentermine: high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, glaucoma, diabetes, or emotional problems. Limit alcohol use, as it can cause dizziness. Do not take phentermine if you are also taking an MAO inhibitor.

Phentermine, like other appetite suppressants, often causes dry mouth, which can increase the chance of developing gum disease and dental cavities. Special attention to oral hygiene, including use of sugarless gum and sugarless hard candies. Drinking lots of water, or sucking on ice chips, is recommended while taking these drugs.

Best Diet Pill similar to Phentermine

PhenQ and Phen375 are easily the best weight loss pills since they act both as an appetite suppressant as well as thermogenic fat burner thereby providing the best value for money. Read more.


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Phen375 incorporates everything that made Phentermine so effective at promoting weight loss, and has done away with all the negative side effects
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Try Phen375

Weight Loss Products containing Phentermine

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Prescription weight loss pills

Prescription weight loss pills and drugs

Do I Need a Prescription Weight Loss Drug?

Using prescription weight loss drugs to treat obesity should be used as an option for the following individuals:

* People with a body mass index(BMI) of 30 and above with no obesity-related conditions.
* A person with a BMI of 27 and above with obesity-related conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

most available weight loss drugs approved by the FDA are for short-term use, meaning a few weeks or months.

One type of weight-loss medication is appetite suppressants.” One common prescription Appetite suppressant is phentermine.

Another type of prescription weight loss drug is a “fat absorption inhibitor”. Xenical is the only example of this type of treatment approved for use in the U.S. Xenical works by blocking about 30% of dietary fat from being absorbed. Xenical is now sold over-the-counter as Alli.

Xenical is the only weight loss drug approved for longer-term use in significantly obese people, although the safety and effectiveness have not been established for use beyond two years.

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2 Best Diet fads of all time – Popular quick dieting fads

Many fads come and go.

There are two notable ones: one dietary, one a drug. Both of them are dangerous. The drug is ephedra, contained in the Chinese herb ma huangEphedra is a potent stimulant that can raise blood pressure; its use has been associated with stroke, heart attack, and death. It is found in many weight-loss products and does promote weight loss. In my opinion, however, it is not worth the risk.

Another Chinese herb, sida cordifolia, contains a different stimulant, synephrine. This substance is newer to the market and less information is available; however, I would view it with extreme caution as well. In the 1960s, the saying “speed kills” was popularized to dramatize the danger of using stimulants.

High-protein diets keep coming back to haunt nutritionists.

The latest versions are trumped up in pseudoscience suggesting that excess carbohydrates cause the body to become resistant to insulin and that this causes obesity and diabetes. The solution is to replace carbohydrates with protein. This theory is not based on scientific evidence and overlooks the fact that practically every society has always gotten most of its calories from carbohydrates.

For example, Asian diets are based on rice. If the carbohydrates-cause-obesity theory is correct, Asian cultures should be rife with obesity and diabetes, but of course they are not. The average Asian rice eater is slender. So much for the theory behind high-protein diets; These diets contradict all the advice given by good professional groups with science to back up their recommendations:’ groups including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Heart Association, the National Cancer Institute, the American Diabetes Association, and so on.

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Misconceptions about herbal and natural supplements


One misconception people have about these words is that they mean a product is safe. Many herbs, vitamins, and other natural supplements are powerful substances. Any substance should be taken according to prescribed or recommended dosing directions. Taking more than the recommended dosage may result in unpleasant or serious side effects. Ephedra is one such example.

Many people also incorrectly believe that manufacturers of herbs, vitamins, and other natural supplements are required to adhere to the same strict guidelines that producers of overcounter and prescription pharmaceutical products must follow. This is not true. The lack of regulation of natural products can make it difficult to identify quality herbal ind natural remedies.
To help ease the uncertainty, the federal government passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994. This act offers some consumer protection by requiring that manufacturers label their supplements with specific information about the ingredients

Ephedra, also known as ma huang –  This herbal product has been linked with more than 60 deaths and over 800 medical complaints. Many states now ban or restrict the sale of ephedra or products containing it.

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How do phen-fen diet pills work?


If eating too much is the result of changes in the reward, learning, and habit circuits of the brain, then medicines that act on those circuits really should modify behavior and help manage this impulse of overeating. That is precisely what a mix of two drugs-phentermine and fenfluramine, typically referred to as phen-fen-seemed to do.

Phen-fen turned out to be hazardous and was pulled from the market in 1997. Occasionally, it developed serious and quite often life-threatening unwanted effects in the heart. While no one should use this pharmaceutical mixture today, we can learn a lot about the biology of overindulging by analyzing the way it worked on the brain’s reward circuits. Many physicians say phen-fen was the most efficient drug therapy they ever endured for the treatment of obesity.

Phen-fen acted in a complicated means on two brain chemicals: serotonin and dopamine.

The drug combination improved the amount of serotonin, which shuts down the act of dopamine and decreases activity in the reward pathways. The complete impact was to reduce the drive for reward.

Studies have revealed that serotonin can also tamp down the satisfying value of drugs of abuse, for example cocaine. By way of example, a test animal which has been trained to press a lever to get cocaine will minimize doing so after receiving pharmaceuticals that promote serotonin release. This might be an aid to describe reports in psychopharmacological journals that phentermine and fenfluramine reduce drug use.

If the same pharmacologic therapy reduces the power that both food and drugs of abuse can gain over the body, then they are in all probability engaging the same regions of the brain. Which means the reward circuits targeted by highly palatable food are also the reward circuits targeted by drugs.


Laxatives for Weight Loss – Dieters tea laxatives

Dieter’s Tea Laxatives:

Tea contains antioxidants which help us improve our health. It is usually derived from herbs or trees which are known to cure some common diseases. But recently, another type of tea which performs a quite different function from the original ones was developed. This is known as Dieter’s Tea, Slim Tea etc. This type of tea is actually used to lose weight. Different brands have been available in the market, and they seem to attract a number of consumers. One should be aware, however, about such products in detail before they even think of using them, as they might affect the health in an adverse way.

How Does Dieter’s Tea Works?

Dieter’s Tea helps reduce weight by increasing the bowel movement and working as stool softeners. It is made up of herbs, and those herbs have laxatives in them as the active ingredients. These active ingredients include aloe, senna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. Before, these laxatives are only used to clear out people’s bowel tract and to overcome the problem of constipation but now, they are used mainly for weight loss. The problem with laxatives performing weight loss function is that they do not just flush toxins out of the body but they also remove necessary food nutrients through the bowels. The consumer then fails to manage the extra calories, vitamins and minerals one needs to intake every day.

What Do Laxatives Do?

Our digestive system works by digesting starch in the mouth and digesting other food contents in the stomach. Much of the food nutrients then go to the small intestine, and much of the water contents go to the large intestine. But with the consumption of laxatives, most of the food and water contents that should be absorbed by the large intestine turn into excretory products. This is due to the increase in bowel movement. Moreover, if the laxatives are taken in large amounts for a greater period of time, they affect the absorption of fats in the body.  This leads to greasy diarrhea, and this in turn results in weight loss.

Side Effects of Laxatives

By altering the food and water contents pathway, laxatives can be used as effective weight loss agents. However, one should not be concerned with its effectiveness only; one should also watch out for its safety. Unfortunately, laxatives present a number of potential health risks and damage. It can permanently damage of the GI Tract. It can cause weakening and softening of the bones, and this disease is known as osteomalacia. It can also cause eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa. A lot of people use laxatives because it helps achieve weight loss rapidly, it tastes good, and it is less expensive than the rest of the medicines available in the market. But despite these, it presents greater disadvantages that consumers must be aware of.

How Can The Laxatives Affect Women?

The number of women taking laxatives as weight loss agents is far greater than the number of men. And since women are more prone to using these products, they are the ones who are affected the most with the effects of these products. There are no scientific studies yet proving that these products directly interfere with women’s menstrual cycle or fertility, but consumers must still take certain measures. It is strongly discouraged for pregnant women to take any laxatives at all. Also, it is strongly advised for other consumers to observe whether or not they are having any increased menstrual cramps because of the product. Lastly, herbalists discourage the use of senna and other laxatives in women who are trying to be pregnant.

Misleading Terms by Marketers

As we all know, advertisements tend to exaggerate the effects and results of using a certain product. There are some marketers who wanted to attract consumers by saying that the laxatives they sell are low in calories. The consumers must be aware, however, that these products are low in nutrients as well. The only nutrient they could have is only when they would be sweetened. Also, some marketers sell their products by saying that they are bowel-cleaning products, which of course, should be true because they are laxatives.

Misuse of Laxatives

Some people, to achieve their desired weight in no time, use laxatives more than the recommended dose. This misuse of laxatives is highly discouraged for they cause adverse effects. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding, electrolyte disorder and dehydration, and these can lead to injury and death of the individual as well. It is also noted that the excessive use of laxatives causes severe constipation and pain for increased periods of time, which can result ultimately in surgery and removal of the large colon.


People who want to lose extra pounds should focus on methods where they will be able to reduce weight the natural way through diet and exercise, as well as the use of weight loss products with the recommendation of a physician. They should not fall for hyped products, which are going to cause them great harm and would result to serious health issues.

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How to stop compulsive overeating habits ?

Rewarding foods tend to be reinforcing, meaning that they keep us coming back for more. I put an M&M in my mouth, it tastes good, and I return for another. The sugar and fat in the candy reinforce my desire to keep eating it.

Scientists ask two questions to determine whether animals find a substance reinforcing:

Are they willing to work to obtain it?

Do they respond to other stimuli they’ve learned to associate with the substance?

By these criteria, sugar, fat, and salt are clearly reinforcing. One decisive piece of evidence is exquisitely simple. French researchers first allowed one group of animals to eat freely while restricting the diet of another group. Next they measured the speed at which each group ran for chow compared to Choc and Crisp, a German chocolate-flavored cereal high in sugar and fat.

There have been many studies on animals especially mice that confirms the fact that sugar, fat, and salt are clearly reinforcing and the animals are willing to work hard to get these foods.

My own look at a vanilla milkshake confirmed the reinforcing value of sugar and fat and helped me better understand what matters most.

The power of the vanilla milkshake and other high-sugar, highfat foods is further amplified as cues become associated with them.

When we put food rich in sugar, fat, and salt in our mouths, we stimulate neurons, which are the basic cells of the brain. Neurons are connected in circuits and communicate with one another to create feelings, store information, and control behavior. They respond to rewarding foods by firing electrical signals and releasing brain chemicals that then travel to interconnected neurons. We say those neurons are “encoded” for palatability.

The neurons in the brain that are stimulated by taste and other properties of highly palatable food are part of the opioid circuitry, which is the body’s primary pleasure system. The “opioids,” also known as endorphins, are chemicals produced in the brain that have rewarding effects similar to drugs such as morphine and heroin.

Stimulating the opioid circuitry with food drives us to eat.

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BEHAVIOR THERAPY for weight loss

A significant number of patients try to take low-calorie diet, weight-loss drugs and stimulant based fat burners, but they experience weight loss only for a short period of time. After a year or two, they return to their original size and shape without even knowing it. That is because it is not weight loss itself which is difficult; it is maintenance. And maintenance can only be achieved by behavior therapy.

If one is to start to change something, it is not diet or exercise plan; it is behavior. Behavior dictates one’s lifestyle, which in turn affects one’s health. For example, high stress can lead to overeating. People who are in a period of emotional turmoil (such as the loss of a loved one) often eat to cope with their problems. Thus, beyond dieting and physical activity, stress-reducing techniques and learning how to cope with emotional problems (with the help of a support group or counselor) are necessary steps to losing weight. All of these behavioral changes can lead to an improved weight management.

The doctor plays a major role in achieving the patient’s weight loss. The said professional has to assess the patient’s motivation for losing weight. And aside from that, he or she has to suggest ways on how to actually lose those extra pounds. The doctor’s motivation and encouragement are the key components to the program.

Moreover, the doctor has to understand the patient’s weight problem (when and how he or she puts on weight). He or she must be aware that most of the patients he or she is handling are victims of shame and hurtful comments from others. He or she must also be knowledgeable of the possible health risks that go along with being obese. Realizing these things can help the doctor motivate and encourage the patients to achieve his or her weight goals. The patient, in his or her part, must realize, however, that losing weight is a commitment that he or she must work at to be successful.

Sometimes the person on a weight loss program finds that he or she is not losing weight. There are several questions that can be asked to a person in this situation to understand what may be happening. Has the person been under stress? Did he or she sustain an injury that interferes with or prevents exercise? Has the person become bored with his or her routine? Answering questions like these can help a person make adjustments that will help him or her achieve his or her goals. Sometimes, a person limiting his or her caloric intake feels deprived and eats more, especially fat-filled foods. Making dietary changes that are small and easier to adopt (for example, eating with a smaller plate than usual) may be a possible solution.

Behavior therapy with low-fat diet, reduced caloric intake, and increased physical activity comprise an effective weight loss program. All of these combined is what makes the patient more likely to maintain his or her weight loss. Changing one’s behavior, certainly, is the first step that must be taken to achieve the final goal. Weight loss drugs and surgery must be pursued only when necessary. This helps eliminate unwanted side effects or harm on the body. As a conclusion, willpower, learning how to lose weight safely, and understanding that the weight loss process has its ups and downs are all needed for successful weight loss and management.

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Weight management steps – Simple adjustments in eating habits

1. Learning how to read nutrition labels. This can help a person determine how many calories a particular food item has and also understand how much fat, carbohydrate, and protein is contained in a food.

2. Learning new strategies for purchasing foods (for example, buying low-calorie foods).

3. Learning methods for food preparation that incorporate lower amounts of oil and fat (for example, using margarine instead of butter or oil to prepare fried chicken, or baking instead of frying).

4. Drinking more water. People— even those who are not trying to lose weight—should be in the habit of drinking 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

5. Learning how to choose correct portion sizes.

6. Learning to substitute low-calorie snacks to help curb the appetite (for example, eating celery and carrot sticks instead of filling up on potato chips).

7. Avoiding alcohol consumption, because alcohol (beer, wine, and other hard liquors) is high in calories.